(3) Flower sage bundles - organic certified from a Native American farm in California.

(1) Self Love white sage bundle with dried flowers: Roses, Rose petals, Lavender, White Sage, White Winged Everlastings, salvia blue flowers, and cotton thread. Cleanse out any unwanted energy from your space or home. 4” in height inviting self-love.

(2) Release Mini floral sage bundle with deep purple flower petals, Lavender, White Sage, Ghost White Baby’s Breath, and white thread - clear your aura and get #inflow.

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  • Flowers are sourced from a family-run farm in Iowa.

  • The sage bundles are sourced from a farm of Native American descent in CA. These are organically certified.

  • Wrapped by a group of women in Florida during the “Spiritual Hour” and according to the Moon Calendar.

  • Roses help invite the best positive energy for self-appreciation.

  • Use it daily or on days you want to clear out unwanted energies.

  • Our sage is certified organic directly from a Native American farm in California.



Native Americans, Latin, and some Eastern cultures have used the art of burning sage or plants to clear negative energies and to invite positivity through the journey of life.










Practitioner tested, appropriate for all souls, bundled with intention.

Use with the intention to remove old or new unwanted energies in your home, office, new spaces. Burn with care.










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How to use?

STEP 1: Untie or cut the thread on the Self Love Sage bundle only. Use the mini-release sage as is.

STEP 2: Place the flowers in your spiritual self-love bath or altar.

STEP 3: Burn your sage mindfully and say your affirmations out loud with intention.