September Horoscopes

September Horoscopes

Malorine Mathurin is a WOO-WOO all Intuitive Astrologer who uses her clairvoyant (YESSS!) and clairaudient skills in her Tarot, Numerology and Divination readings to help her clients. She'll speak to your spirit guides ;)


Malorine has studied various forms of Divination and spirituality through her Caribbean roots and ancestry and is a self-taught Astrologer and Cartomancer with over 25 years experience. She uses her Cancer Moon in the 10th house to provide nurturing to her clients in a practical, supportive and grounded way.


Malorine’s GOALLLLLL is to CUT those karmic ties from previous lives, that are blocking mental, emotional, spiritual and psychological happiness. PHEW....for matriarchy here.


Book her services here.

Your Horoscopes this September 2021

by Malorine Mathurin


“All healing is a healing of the heart.”


The month of September starts off with a subtle bang, a whisper of our conscience, if you may, to help us reprioritize our lives and connect to what is really fulfilling for us. This month we have the New Moon in Virgo and a Full Moon in Pisces. These opposite signs that help us to connect to being of service, healing and interconnectedness looks like.

Virgo is healing energy that is direct while Pisces is more subtle and sacrificial – we are being asked to investigate how we can strike a balance between the two, not shying away from others or confrontation but also not giving up our sense of liberty either – which is challenging but not difficult.



image cc: @valleygirlmystic Nina Kahn (she/her)


"The best thing about the Moon cycles is that we get a ‘do-over’ every month to learn a few tools of inner work that will steadily get us to a healthy state of being that is grounded in reality."


The ‘Maiden’s Moon’ or the New Moon in Virgo on September 6th creates a sense of reserve, solitude and a need for personal space. With this moon, we are being asked, “How can we find solace in being alone?” When one is alone and in silence, some challenging things can surface, like old wounds, rejection, pain but we can also begin to actually ‘hear’ ourselves clearly – isn’t that nice? Giving us the ability to find ways to work through the trauma or pain and to find constructive ways to release it, either through therapy, talking to a friend or engaging in more solitude-based form of self love. To give you an example of someone who has this energy in their chart is Jada Pinkett Smith, who also has a Virgo Sun and Moon. On her show, Red Table Talk she uses this open forum to discuss key issues relating to trauma, unresolved pain and connecting back to Self in a more holistic, down-to-earth way that is both relatable and seemingly achievable. The New Moon will also like us to connect with this connection on a more regular basis. Like what you're hearing? Become a nadii club member, where you'll learn so much more about RITUALS, ASTROLOGY and meet like-minded women. Join the waitlist today.



JAN 20 - FEB 18

This month is also about discernment for you, both in practical and emotional matters (queue Aquarius groans). Yes, you will have to do double duty in September, working on the emotional pains that can emerge when we sit still and then coming up with practical ways of confronting them so that they don’t have so much power over you. Utilize techniques such as therapy, journaling, or meditation. In addition to the emotional work, you will also be working on practical projects that will see you through to the long-term and provide a good nest egg. Venus in Libra is transiting your 9th house of travel, education, and philosophy, so you will have the impetus, drive and energy to explore both topics with ease. You may meet someone while traveling or be open to love from a friend, who knew? Hold that Rose Quartz close by and set your dreams to reality!

September affirmation: I am open to all sources of healing. I am capable of emotional depth and self-understanding.


FEB 19 - MAR 20

Pisces, relationships are a focus for you this month with deep connections at the forefront. You can start a new venture on dating apps, agree to be set-up, or just chat with a friendly cutie at the coffee shop. Money, or lack thereof, can be an issue as Chiron, the asteroid of our deeper wounds hangs outside your 2nd house of money, possessions and self-worth which can be menacing to say the least. But you do have a safety net with the North Node in the 4th house of home and family. Borrow money, wisely, from friends and family if you need it, have date night at your house to save money and watch shows on Netflix rather than going to the movies. Be smart about socializing and it won’t come back to haunt you later on. Place your crystals nearby.

September affirmation: My partner’s needs are just as important as my own. I have the skills to balance my work, home, and social lives.


MAR 21 - APR 19

September is a good month for you to get a handle on your finances with the New Moon highlighting your 6th house of work, routines, health, and money. Mars, your ruling planet is also in this house, prompting you to make lasting changes to your budget with gusto and to finally learn how to use Quick books (even though you downloaded the app months ago, lol). This is a win for you though because with the Part of Fortune in your first house you are ready and willing to make things happen! You could be embarking on a new phase in your life that will require maturity – which may sound boring, like paying bills and figuring out which lawnmower is the most efficient, but this is part of the growing up process. The Full Moon will be transiting your 7th house later in the month, so try not to project any unhappiness onto those you care about, deal with it in a constructive way, so that we can all experience a win-win ending. You may also dive into a new relationship or go deeper with the one that you’re in. Meditate with the self love essential oil $20 and a Clean Market Water Bottle.

September affirmation: I am fully capable of connecting with abundance through dedication and methodical planning.


APR 20 - MAY 20

This month will want you to focus on developing new ways to clear the energy and make space for your creativity to flow naturally. It will be like having to clear off your desk before you get to work. The Sun, Mars and the Moon are gathering in your fifth house of passion, fun and excitement but they can’t work in a mess. Chiron in Aries in your 12th house has all of your old ’stuff’ showing up: rejection, unworthiness, self-sacrifice, whatever your vice is, it is here to be dealt with. Try using the Sage mini bundle on the Nadii  to clear your environment. This will help to get you motivated and active and to focus on things that are fun and harmonious for you. The New Moon’s goal at the beginning of the month is to clear your energy so that by the end of the month, you will want to be around people again, messy desk and all! September affirmation: I embrace all of who I am, warts and all. I will focus on and be grateful for what I have in my life, not harking back to the past for proof that I am not worthy.


MAY 21 - JUN 20

September would like you to bring your goals to fruition through your natural curiosity, networking and connecting with like-minded others. This Virgo New Moon will help you to finally ask family and friends for advice on how to get started on the clean-up job that we are all doing this month. Maybe you are spending more time at home, making your space live-able, opening some windows, letting the fresh air in – take a breath…doesn’t that feel good? Breath work may be helpful for you this month – it is a more active form of meditation which will quiet your restless Gemini mind and keep you focused. Join our nadii member waitlist to learn the right way for breath work, meet like minded women and much more! September affirmation: I learn from others. I can implement the tools that work for me, and I am allowed to leave the rest. Home can be a sanctuary.


JUN 21 - JUL 22

Cancer, for you, communication and tasks will be highlighted this month – how you take on tasks, how you communicate what you want, how you stay grounded during these tasks and how effective you are at making them a part of your everyday life. Maybe consider taking, or finishing (ahem) that class, course, training that you have been putting to the back burner. Your mind will be buzzing with ideas so make sure that you write them down as well – somewhere safe of course. This is a great month to take up journaling, if you’re not doing that already or chatting with a friend about what is on your mind, I’m sure they will be glad to hear from you. September affirmation: My ideas matter. Connecting with others is also a form of self-care. Learning is a way to connect to deeper meanings.


JUL 23 - AUG 22

 Like the other fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius, this month will force (or gently ask) you to focus on your money and income. You could have a download of ideas on how to make more money, like a second job or passive income stream or there may be a need to step your game up and put your talents to good use. The focus on your 2nd house of possessions, money, and personal values, may have you evaluating your connection to ‘stuff’ and maybe you decide to sell as much as you can or find ways to turn what you have into cash. Don’t forget to save that money for your next ventures. September affirmation: I am abundant. The Universe is abundant. What I let go of will go into good hands. I am taken care of.


AUG 23 - SEP 22

Virgo, all eyes are on you this month. You are the poster child of reserve, discipline and having your ‘stuff’ together. People may ask YOU for advice on how you do it, which may surprise you, you never get to be in the spotlight. Even with this new attention don’t forget to manage your time effectively. Discernment is also on the table, as Chiron, the planet of our wounds is transiting your 8th house, bringing things to the surface you thought you dealt with. You are being asked to release what doesn’t resonate anymore. It could be people, places, things, or mindsets. This is your month, and no one can take this from you. September affirmation: I am knowledgeable. I make the right decisions. If it doesn’t bring me joy, let it go.


SEP 23 - OCT 22

Oh Libra, it might seem that this is all too much, but this is building your strength reserves! Uranus transiting your 8th house of debt, pain and suffering has things all discombobulated and confusing, Neptune in your 6th house has been doing a number on your work life (possibly leaving or getting fired), Pluto has been doing long-term damage in your 4th house of home and family making everything a bit of a horror show. But you have some reprieve, finally! This month is the beginning of the end for you with the Sun, Moon and Mars in your 12th house of your subconscious and dreams. You will have CLARITY! HALLELUJAH! Patterns of behavior, negative thinking, self-fulfilling prophecies, and whatever addiction led you on, is now being exposed and you couldn’t be happier. Allow this Virgo energy to cleanse your woes, recharge you and clear the slate for a new start, which you will get the following month when the New Moon moves into your sign. September affirmation: I am healing old wounds. I am capable. There is a new start on the horizon.


OCT 23 - NOV 21

Scorpio, this month is about the company you keep. Who do you want to spend time with? Are there any projects that have been sitting on the back burner since last month when the Moon went through your 10th house of career and the public? Maybe that was detective work, (which I know that you like the idea of), to help make those things happen this month. All of that sleuthing, researching, and trying new things has paid off. The Virgo season will help give you the momentum to make things happen that are fulfilling for the long term. Maybe a group will send you a secret invite…just say yes. September affirmation: I have something to share with the collective. My dreams and goals matter.


NOV 22 - DEC 21

This month is an interesting one for you Sagittarius. There will be new beginnings in your career and love life, maybe simultaneously…The Virgo energy is having an interesting stroll through your 10th house of career and public image so a new venture can come across by being diligent and doing the best you can do in the workspace, the higher ups notice your efforts you don’t have to shout it through the rooftops. The North Node in Gemini, which represents life purpose and direction is transiting your 7th house, of relationships in addition to Juno, the asteroid responsible for love and deeper connection transiting your 9th house of expansion and learning, so, a partner, friend or loved one can help guide you in the right direction in your career endeavors. Be open to listening and then take action. September affirmation: I am motivated in my career. I take in the advice of others and move with purpose.


DEC 22 - JAN 19

September highlights your need for adventure with the Moon transiting your 9th house of explorations, new ideas and higher learning. You might feel drawn to start school, take up a training course, teach others and pretty much move out of your comfort zone, it’s been too long, it is time! Saturn and Jupiter, both in Aquarius in your 2nd house of finances and money will not steer you wrong, they just want you to make a decision based on logic and proper planning and then actually do it, they have your back. The focus of energy by the end of the month will be on your networks and dreams, so you may meet new people who can propel you forward.

September affirmation: I can step out of my comfort zone with ease.


JAN 20 - FEB 18


MAY 21 - JUN 20


FEB 19 - MAR 20


JUN 21 - JUL 22


MAR 21 - APR 19


JUL 23 - AUG 22


APR 20 - MAY 20


AUG 23 - SEP 22


SEP 23 - OCT 22


OCT 23 - NOV 21


NOV 22 - DEC 21


DEC 22 - JAN 19

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