October Horoscopes

October Horoscopes

Malorine Mathurin is a WOO-WOO all Intuitive Astrologer who uses her clairvoyant (YESSS!) and clairaudient skills in her Tarot, Numerology and Divination readings.


Malorine has studied various forms of Divination and spirituality through her Caribbean roots and ancestry and is a self-taught Astrologer and Cartomancer with over 25 years experience. She uses her Cancer Moon in the 10th house to provide nurturing to her clients in a practical, supportive and grounded way.


Malorine’s GOALLLLLL is to CUT those karmic ties from previous lives, that are blocking mental, emotional, spiritual and psychological happiness. PHEW....for matriarchy here.


Book her services here.

Your Horoscopes this October 2021

by Malorine Mathurin


This is all part of the journey of Freedom, which is the theme this year.

The beginning of the month starts off with a bang as Mercury joins the host of planets that are retrograde already: Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto but within a week we have many of them moving direct again with Pluto ending its long retrograde on October 6th, Saturn on October 10th and Mercury and Jupiter both ending on October 18th. This huge shift will make a lot of us feel like we are moving on a forward trajectory again, especially feeling a big shift from the last couple of months. 🌗 WOAHHHHH.......We can begin to plan, organize and restructure again but most important, we now have a newfound belief in our abilities and ourselves. THANK YOU GODDESS! 🌺 These shifts will improve communication between others (Mercury), help us to make lasting and monumental changes (Pluto and Saturn) in addition to having the good vibes and motivation to carry us through (Jupiter)


With a stellium of planets in Libra (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars) at the start of the month, we are reminded in true Libra fashion, that balance is both the question and the answer. ♎️We are in Autumn in the Northern hemisphere, and this is a period of release, forgiveness, gratitude and developing an inner state of calm. Our bodies and souls are preparing for the Winter months, we all want to stay warm but not with blankets filled with unnecessary drama, other people's 'stuff' and the things that drain us, that's lukewarm at best! ✨🌗🤩 The Sun, Moon and Mars in tight conjunction at 13 degrees, we will feel energized to differences of opinions and to hear others out. Shared experiences, opening up to others, looking at our relationships with a wider lens, giving others and ourselves an extra dose of compassion and grace can really help us to materialize a helpful, albeit necessary transformation in preparation for the Fall season.


Free RSVP here

Oct 5, Tuesday, 7-8p.m. EST, New Moon Meditation

image cc: @sohohouse (she/her)


"The best thing about the Moon cycles is that we get a ‘do-over’ every month to learn a few tools of inner work that will steadily get us to a healthy state of being that is grounded in reality."


Freedom from societal restrictions, conditioning that can be in black and white, and even the mental prisons that we put ourselves in by overthinking and overdoing - the White Knight syndrome. The answer is always love, and this New Moon in Libra reminds us of that. Venus, the ruler of Libra is in Scorpio until October 7th, and it forms a square with Jupiter in Aquarius, which may put a bit of a wrench in our 'free love' plans, but we may find that shifting the way that we go about our days, what we prioritize and maybe even how we connect with others, will shift our mindset for the better, increasing our capacity to make time and space for exploration, community, and, ultimately, for ourselves. Join the waitlist today.



JAN 20 - FEB 18

Aquarius, you are ready to expand your mind even more than usual. The New Moon and Full Moons will be transiting your 9th and 3rd houses of learning, expansion and experience. You may break your routines to meet new people, to step out of your usual habits and see things from a different perspective. You may begin a new course or finish one that you already started. Saturn, one of your co-rulers, goes direct on the 10th and they will directly ask you to show your work, what have you learned the last 6 months? Do you know how to set better boundaries? How is your communication skills, any better? This is preparing you for Scorpio season as you career house will be highlighted. Maybe you meet some new contacts or feel more focused on what you want to do next.

Affirmation: I am capable. I utilize what I have learned spiritually, emotionally and mentally for my new goals.

Hold that Rose Quartz close by and set your dreams to reality!


FEB 19 - MAR 20

There will be some emotional trekking at the start of October with the New Moon transiting the 8th house of intensity, taxes, death, and deep emotional trauma. This is not too bad for you as you are a fellow Water sign and you do this naturally anyway, but there may be a bit of a need to resolve old wounds from the past, childhood or past relationships, and this will require a bit more elbow grease. Mercury in retrograde in this house, does not help you to communicate your needs properly, so this may be a struggle. Mars in Libra will help you to connect more with action-oriented goals rather than do the 'Pisces-dreamy' thing. The Full Moon in Aries in your 2nd house will help you restructure your actions so that they will think twice about coming up again for you.

Affirmation: I have the skills necessary to deal with my traumas. I am effective and motivated to achieve a firm balance in my life.

Place your crystals nearby.


MAR 21 - APR 19

Aries, you have an interesting month ahead. At the beginning, you may feel a bit lackluster and devoid of energy as the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars (your ruling planet) lies in your opposite sign of Libra, which wants you to make nice with others. Will you play along? Probably not, but the pros will outweigh the cons, you may receive help with unexpected occurrences, like borrowing money or an extra eye on a contract or legal document, which is always useful. By the end of the month, you're reminded of the longer mission which is to refashion you from a diamond in the rough into a star, especially as Chiron, the planet of wounding, which has been in your sign since 2018 and will be there until 2027, constantly throwing you obstacles that will make you doubt your genius. But, no, you are all that and we just want to remind you of that.

Affirmation: I am confident. There is nothing to stop me going forward. I welcome help from others.

Meditate with the self love essential oil $20 and a Clean Market Water Bottle.


APR 20 - MAY 20

This month, the New and Full moons travel through an interesting exploration of your 6th and 12th houses, in which there will be a focus on a work-life balance and allowing space for mindfulness. You will be super motivated at work at the beginning of the month, taking calculated risks, trying a new project, creating better boundaries with colleagues and, best of all, you are determined to make things happen, with the stellium of planets in Libra in your 6th house. Venus in Scorpio is hanging out in your 💖 7th house of love and partnerships, and you can be on fire when it comes to love and relationships, but not all fires are good... This will set the tone for the upcoming Scorpio season, which will make you productive and resourceful but may bring some drama with co-workers when Mars joins the Scorpio gang from September 30th to December 13th. You've been warned.

Affirmation: Strike a balance between the many facets of your life so that you don't burn out.


MAY 21 - JUN 20

Your planetary ruler, Mercury is in retrograde until October 18th and this may make you a bit tongue tied especially when it comes to bringing forth a creative idea or in love. By the end of the month, the Full Moon will transit your 3rd house and this communication delay will end and you will feel comfortable in your own skin again. Best advice, plan and research ideas at the beginning of the month, but wait to take action at the end of the month, as the Full Moon in Aries transits your 11th house which will help you with networking, meeting some really cool and chill people and take action on those ideas. Utilize the energy of the Waning Moon (the 2 weeks between the Full and New Moon, between Oct 21st and Nov 4th) to take action on releasing self-doubt and any self-limiting beliefs. Possibly think about clearing space in your home, by selling some things, Yard sale time!

Affirmation: I can self-motivate and accomplish my biggest ideas.

Join our nadii member waitlist to learn the right way for breath work, meet like minded women and much more!


JUN 21 - JUL 22

The start of the month will be low-key for you and I don't hear you complaining. There was a lot of activity, events and happenings last month and you may need a breather. The New Moon is in your 4th house of home, coziness, pumpkin-spice everything, cozy blankets and puppy dog tails. you can be staying more at home, cleaning, reorganizing and cooking more, I suggest canning preserves, making Jell-o and banana bread, all comfort foods. This calm is providing you with energy for the end of the month, when The Full Moon transits your 10th house of career, public image and reputation. Try for that promotion and ask for that raise. Use sugar and spice and everything nice as the Sun and Mars in Libra is opposing the Moon, so be careful with your words. 🤩 Use the Mars energy to keep you motivated and not to hold grudges. Attend our FREE meditation on Oct 5, 7-8p.m. EST to get grounded.

Affirmation: I am focused. My needs and wants are important.


JUL 23 - AUG 22

The New Moon in Libra is going to keep you mentally and physically busy at the beginning of the month, Mercury, the planet of communication is also in this space causing some confusion keeping up with all of the invites and events, which could look like missed calls, unanswered texts, or the wrong address for a party. Maybe this is a sign to keep it low-key and maybe stay home, go with how you feel, especially if a situation or event seems confusing or like too much of a hassle. Attend our FREE meditation on Oct 5, 7-8p.m. EST to get grounded. By the end of the month, you will reach beyond your boundaries and opportunities with brainstorming, networking and spontaneity. It will be important to go back to the need to go with your feelings, like you did at the beginning of October and go with your gut, it won't steer you wrong.

Affirmation: I trust myself to choose what is best for me. I can socialize and have slow down at the same time.


AUG 23 - SEP 22

This will be a great month to enhance your long-term finances $$$$$ 💸 and net worth, which I'm sure, is music to your soul. Mercury, your planet ruler, is retrograding in your 2nd house of money, values and possessions, so it will be important to take your time when making big decisions, and let your heart lead you. What are you passionate about? What activities make you smile in the morning when you wake up? It will also be important to do research about financial opportunities and if you can, wait until the 18th to make the final decision. The Full Moon in your 7th house of love and partnerships can bring issues to the forefront, don't let it derail you. Keep your cool, stay balanced, listen to everyone's side and then make an objective choice. Mars will be hanging out in Libra in your 2nd house by the end of the month, so you can now move forward with your plans unencumbered. Attend our FREE meditation on Oct 5, 7-8p.m. EST to get grounded.

Affirmation: I am willing to hear both sides of the story and make a decision based on compassion and care.


SEP 23 - OCT 22

Libra, there is an overwhelming sense of confusion, misaligned and chaotic energies in your world for the past couple of months and you're kind of over it, to say the least and we don't blame you. Your season has been a very maddening game of balancing your mental health, boundaries, will power and strength with everyone else that is trying to take you down. Mars and Mercury in your sign in the first house will motivate you to do something about this - journal, do shadow work (a deep-dive into your subconscious) and work on dissolving any ego that may be continually bringing up similar scenarios in your life. Things will shift as Full Moon in Aries will transit your 7th house, and you will learn how to compromise and relinquish control, especially of situations that take your power away. Scorpio season, starting on October 23rd will be shifting your energy to focus on work that is only in alignment with your personal values and nothing else. This will be a new, permanent style of operating for you, get used to it - it will be awesome! Attend our FREE meditation on Oct 5, 7-8p.m. EST to get in flow.

Affirmation: I have been through the worst and I have the confidence and strength to overcome anything else that comes in my way.


OCT 23 - NOV 21

You start this month with the New Moon in your 12th house of reflection, meditation and subconscious dreams. You are in your element. Use this energy to your advantage and go towards the things that may scare you, unearth any phobias and allow Mars in this house to help motivate you to accept any help that can help move this along, which may look like therapy, counseling, somatic therapy or a deep meditation class. By the end of the month, you feel centered to get things done, especially at work. 🧖🏾‍♀️🧖🏾‍♀️🧖🏾‍♀️🧖🏾‍♀️🧖🏾‍♀️ As we step into your season on the 23rd, you will feel motivated to connect with things and people that are in alignment with your newfound ways of thinking or being. Attend our FREE meditation on Oct 5, 7-8p.m. EST to get grounded.

Affirmation: I am comfortable with change. I am open to what the Universe has in store for me.


NOV 22 - DEC 21

Your dance card will be filled this month with community-based and family activities, and you are not complaining at all. This will be a great time to work on manifestation and Law of Attraction techniques, you will be connecting with people that will help get you further than you have in a while. You will feel invigorated and full of genuine happiness because you are in your element. By the end of the month, Mars in your 12th house may bring some unnecessary drama to the surface, so try to keep your cool and resort more to mindfulness and connecting with your inner self rather than give anyone your beautiful energy. Attend our FREE meditation on Oct 5, 7-8p.m. EST to get meet your inner-child.

Affirmation: I am motivated. People want to work with me. I will not sacrifice who I am for anyone's ideals.


DEC 22 - JAN 19

Capricorn: You will be in your element at the beginning of the month as the New Moon 🌚 in Libra visits your 10th house of career, finances and public self. With Mars, the Sun and Mercury are also hanging out there and you are ready to get things moving along and do the mountain-climb thing that your sign loves to do. Slow and steady wins the race is the theme for the month and you are more than happy to create things for the long-term. Mercury in retrograde in that house will require you to think things through though, try not to jump the gun, see the full 360 degree picture, so that you can see all angles and potential holes. The end of the month brings domestic bliss, as you may spend more time at home, learning to cook, hanging out more with family and close friends and snuggling up with a hot toddy in your favorite Autumn cardigan. Attend our FREE meditation on Oct 5, 7-8p.m. EST to find your peace.

Affirmation: I work hard but also know when to relax and appreciate my home as well.


JAN 20 - FEB 18


MAY 21 - JUN 20


FEB 19 - MAR 20


JUN 21 - JUL 22


MAR 21 - APR 19


JUL 23 - AUG 22


APR 20 - MAY 20


AUG 23 - SEP 22


SEP 23 - OCT 22


OCT 23 - NOV 21


NOV 22 - DEC 21


DEC 22 - JAN 19

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